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What SEO is not

tree-200795_640Welcome to the age where everyone is an online expert. More people own websites now than ever before, so the need for a complete understanding of how to win the online game becomes necessary. Well, most people claim to have this skill, refusing to understand that this whole ‘online business’ is still in its ‘formation phase’ and we all have to keep learning what works.

One of the most important phenomena is in the digitized world is SEO! That is how websites win or lose on search engines; Search Engine Optimization! Many think they have a clear understanding of SEO is. Well, that is not the case to most people.

SEO is often misunderstood, and that is not strange at all. It is common knowledge in the digital world that SEO is key, and the race is on to figure it out.

However, SEO has been brutally misrepresented and many assumptions and myths are widely believed to be true.

  1. The More the Links the Better

Too often, when businesses hire someone to do link building, they focus on the quantity of links rather than their quality — but linking is not a numbers game anymore. Invest in content, quality content that will give any search engine reason not to keep a site on the 100th page of the search result.

  1. Keywords are everything

If anyone thinks this is true, he or she are highly mistaken. Search engine companies have people on their pay role whose jobs are basically to make sure that pages with poor content do not get ranked. Even if the keywords are interesting. The algorithms get trained continuously. One needs to work more on making sure that when they optimize a page for ‘topic X’, what is on the page is actually about the optimized topic.

  1. The need for good ranking

Well, things have changed, and ranking is not the supreme end goal that it once was. Regardless of how a site ranks, the quality of the rich text/snippets attached to any link matters a lot on whether or not the site will get that click.

  1. The more the keywords, the better

This is another misinformation. One needs to decide on one keyword they want the page to be identified for and optimize for that keyword. By optimizing it just means, let the heading, description and other tags contain the keyword. Also, let the content of that page be about that keyword. Search engine companies are no longer trying to match the keywords typed into its search engine to the keywords of a web page. Instead, they seek to understand the intent behind the keywords one types so it can match that intent to relevant, high-quality content.

  1. SEO is a game to fool Search Engine Companies

It is not! No one can win if he or she are trying to be witty. In fact, the moment anyone approaches the task with the mindset of outsmarting search engines. They will never win; the systems put in place are smarter and get updated on a regular basis.

  1. The more the pages on a website, the better

Those who strive to have lots of pages on their website also tend to overlook the quality of the content. One thing that should be in the back of the minds of everyone is that search engines prioritize quality over quantity. So spend more time making the few pages that are as valuable as possible. It is only through that will the site benefit more.


On a final note, any SEO that gives poor quality results to its users will lose the interest and trust of those users. So serious minded SEOs will do their best to ensure they recommended high quality only. Endeavor to publish what is best and let the content be as useful as possible. If it is useful, the SEO will produce better results.

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